
Thursday, 25 August 2011

Short tests 2

So after the previous short test thing I found that I really liked getting back into the facial stuff compared to the more game-y body mechanics stuff i've been working on pretty much exclusively for the last year or so, I've decided to have another go at a longer piece, its getting there slowly and ive got a few ideas of how this is going to end up as a full body performance. I think im gonna start blocking these bits in then re animate the eye line/head movement to fit

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Short tests 1

While i'm waiting for shots to come through at work i'm doing my own thing and either taking part in the mini challenges on the 11second club or playing around with various ideas of my own, today i decided to tackle some lip sync and start doing some more performance focused things.

This is still a WIP but i've really enjoyed spending a  couple of hours working things out and playing with a different facial setup to things ive used in the past. Want to get some of the mouth shapes better defined and figure out how to get some movement into the upper body without over doing it.Been a nice change from the sort of things ive been doing with mocap and my grad film.

Will post polished version shortly

Face wise it feels a lot closer, keep scratching my head when im thinking about the line, not so sure it works with the character, single frames look nice but over the whole anim it doesnt feel quite right - at the same time its better than him stood there arms side by side. will ask around and think about what to do next... 

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


Discovery from Stacie Hawdon on Vimeo.

My grad film, completed in 7 months. Thanks to everyone who helped along the way