
Sunday, 28 March 2010

Generic Trash

Drew it. Posting it

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

As the title implies....

The blog was meant to be for work in progress which is in short supply, Milo and Lionhead are awesome but the chances of staying beyond the summer are slim so the pressure to produce a decent film is back on...


Hands are tough to draw... toying with making a 2d grad film but its always having to draw hands that puts me off, so i decided to try drawing some. much work needed

Camden and unrelated strangeness

After a long week of work a day of bizzare encounters and strange conversation seemed the best way to unwind, after a day of talking to kangaroo weilding and karma promoting hippies a night of drawing and was necessary and for some reason a screaming rabbit, club swinging troll and mouthless man somehow seemed to sum things up nicely...

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Ink and pencils rock

Busy times. Working late and even weekends which makes regular updates even less likely. or so i thought. Lots of thoughts about returning to uni and the lack of creativity that seems to hit the second i arrive. But rather than think about it negatively ive ended up drawing lots and remembering the awesomeness of art college. Ink and pencils rock. Photoshop is overrated but probably due to the inevitiable tech fail that seems to strike at any second. Lack of scanner is making posting stuff tricky.